Blog post | Woodworking project with lessons for L&D

Blog post | Woodworking project with lessons for L&D

This blogpost will be a bit different than all other blogpost that we’ve written on this site, so far. It’s rather a personal story. But bear with me, there are some lessons learned/confirmed in there. Everything we do, can be a learning moment. The idea My brother...
Blog post | My 10 years at The Learning Hub

Blog post | My 10 years at The Learning Hub

This year I celebrate my tin wedding (10 years, what a ride!) with The Learning Hub. What a ride it has been! 120 Months, 3.650 days, 87.600 hours. To be honest, I had to scratch my head and hurt my brain to even remember what exactly I did 10 years ago. How it all...
Blog post | From vision to action

Blog post | From vision to action

Creating a learning vision A lot of the companies that contact us are currently implementing a learning strategy. Often this implementation of a learning strategy goes hand in hand with implementing a certain level of digitalisation. Because of the coronavirus...
Blog post | How do we use social media?

Blog post | How do we use social media?

Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, … who hasn’t used them? Social media are booming and not only used by individuals. More and more companies have social media profiles too. At The Learning Hub, we’ve set up a special group that takes care of our social media channels. In...