by Liesbet Daelemans | May 24, 2023 | Blog
Artificial intelligence, machine learning, recommendation engine… these are terms that we have been hearing for years, even in the L&D world. Since ChatGPT, Joe Public now knows what Artificial Intelligence (AI) is, in the form of an AI chatbot. And machine...
by Eline Van Mieghem | Oct 26, 2022 | Blog
As educational experts in Learning Management Systems, we notice more and more questions about performance management and its connection with the LMS. Some of the questions we are asked: We want to put learning and development first and offer our employees an...
by Askim Kintziger | Jan 19, 2021 | Blog
In the past year it was remarkable that the vast majority of our (new) customers changed their learning strategy. Unfortunately, the reason was an external factor (which we would rather not talk about in this blog). This external factor meant that our customers were...
by Joke D'Haese | Jan 22, 2020 | Blog
I am normally a goofy writer and my blog posts usually contain some witty, silly wordplays or jokes, but in this piece I wanted to keep it serious and give you more insight into our past year. Challenges The year 2019 went by in the blink of an eye, so it...
by Thomas Aelbrecht | Aug 16, 2019 | Blog
Me I’m not really a digital native. I am 30 something and the biggest part of my childhood consisted of climbing trees, throwing rocks at each other, running through the fields and occasionally cutting my hand trying to make a bow and arrow. I am part of a generation...